
Black Cat

“Don't knock them . In my line of work , where you look for every distraction you can get , these tend to come in handy . And since this costume lacks pockets , where else would I hide all my tools ?”


Composite portrayal of Marvel's Felicia Hardy . Materials from the comics will predominantly be utilised , however video games , movies and other media will be used also .This account is heavily MV focussed and will therefore gain other development .Story focussed and open to plots from other verses , AUs and OCs .Anti-hero . Whoever pays the biggest fees will have her services . This doesn't mean she's loyal .Very much an independent woman . Felicia does what Felicia wants .Can and will throw hands .Multi-ship . However this is not a high priority and is only offered when chemistry is built .Flirting isn't an invitation to send weird shit in DMs . And smut starters sent without prior discussion will be ignored .Taboo , blacked , paedo etc accounts will be blocked and reported on sight .

“I'm not a hero . I'm a thief . Born a thief . Raised a thief . Will die a thief .”


For canon content , please click HEREThis particular Felicia never lost her Bad Luck abilities . Please bare that in mind when interacting . This version also retained superhuman agility , reflexes , infrared vision , and retractable claws gained via Doctor Strange .

“Now, where should I crush you first...”


Venom SymbioteAfter a little expedition gone wrong , Felicia crossed paths with Venom . Following the fight that endued , Felicia was infected via Venom , driving her partially insane until she gained control over the symbiote .
Sorcerer MagicUnder the guidance of Steven Strange , following her impressive usage of his Staff , Felicia became his apprentice , gaining her own staff and use of magic .
Star CruiserSnatching the keys from a smitten Star Lord , the feline thief has access to treasures across the galaxy .
Reality StoneGained as a prize whilst under the service of Doctor Doom , Felicia has yet to utilise it's full potential .
Diamond P.IFreelance agency set up by Felicia , this is her legitimate private detective agency .
Orange Lantern RingOne of only a handful capable of utilising such a ring , it's one of her special treasures .
Carnage SymbioteFighting in yet another war , Felicia found herself as a host once more . Often arguing in her head with the venom Symbiote , Felicia has become accustomed to utilising both .